Monday, October 13, 2014

1984 Synthesis Page

        1984, George Orwell                                                                               Margot Supple
Blog Post #3
Archetypes: Winston and Emmanuel Goldstein - Rebel----- Winston is a rebel because he is different from the characters he is with. Winston can remember his past, and sees past the party's tricks. For example, he writes in his diary, ' Down with Big Brother '. He disagrees with Big Brother, like Emmanuel Goldstein.

Big Brother - Dictator----- Big Brother is the leader of the land. He has all the power in the book, because he has captured the minds of almost everyone in the book except Winston. Through two minutes of hate he creates a contrast. He forces workers to despise Goldstein, and to disagree with everything he says. Big Brother presents the opposite ideas from Goldstein, so everyone agrees with him. He keeps two minutes of hate so he looks like a hero next to Goldstein. Although he cannot actually control people's minds, he can make them hate and love.

O'Brien - Shadow----- O'Brien works with Winston. He is a small character until Winston and him exchange a glance during two minutes of hate. O'Brien seems to feel the same way as Winston, but he does not say anything. O'Brien is the shadow because he is secretive and suspicious.

Ms.Parsons Children and Syme - Followers----- Both children are followers because they follow the party's rules and try to help them no matter who they have to punish. This can be connected to Hitler Youth, because the people in it weren't bad people, they just wanted to be a part of something big. They were so blinded by their surroundings that they were oblivious to how big of a impact they were. Syme is a follower because he is obsessed with a new society, much like the party. He agrees with everything that the party says.

Connections: I think that George Orwell wrote this book based on World War Two. Since it was written right after Germany's fall, it is hard to see his exact feelings about 1984. He may have written it in disgust, showing how he thought the future would turn out if the world kept treating people like they were. However, he could have been writing about how he thought the future should be. Also, he portrays woman as minor figures, and jewish people as outcasts. For example, Goldstein had a "lean jewish face". He might have been referring to Hitler's ideas in a negative or positive way. Since there was still hatred stirring during 1949, it is unknown what George Orwell's exact feelings were. However, it is clear the book is based off of Nazi, Germany.

Notes: Two minutes of hate is a way to manipulate people to hate who the party hates.
-The "War is Peace, Freedom  is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength" symbol represents the society Winston lives in. Everything is backwards and wrong.
-The poster of Big Brother and cameras symbolize that his power is always there.