Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Social Issues Project

Margot Supple
Social Issues Project

Table of Contents
1.) Literary Response to 1984, Social Issues are Gender, Religious, and Class Prejudice
2.) Response to Painting, Social Issues are Racism and Poverty
3.) Observe your Surroundings, Social Issue is Homelessness

In the book 1984 by George Orwell, the main character Winston Smith lives in a totalitarian country run by Big Brother and his party, that uses fear, manipulation, technology, and constant surveillance to control its citizens. The book was written right after World War Two, a time where most people were still prejudice towards Jewish, African American, and Gay people. There are many similarities in the book 1984 and Nazi, Germany, causing it to be challenged by the American Library Association.
After World War II, Jewish people were outcasts. In Oceania, the main country in 1984, they are treated the same way. The party’s main enemy is Emmanuel Goldstein, a man who speaks up against the party. In the book they describe him as having a “lean jewish figure,” showing that stereotypical “jewish features” are uncommon. Also, there is very little religion in Oceania. This is because the party wants no higher being than Big Brother, and with religion people would lose faith in the government. In Nazi, Germany, Adolf Hitler used religion as an excuse for his actions. He only allowed Catholics to be free, and thought any other religion was distasteful and against Germany.
In 1984, the way everyone is treated is based on their class, or how connected they are to the party. In Nazi, Germany, people were also judged by how close they were to the party. During World War Two, almost every man or woman was a member of the Nazi party, and almost every child was a member of Hitler Youth. In 1984, every person has to show affection for the party. If you did not show enough love for either big Brother or Hitler, you would get less respect. The farther you are from the party, the lower your class is. Both parties use class systems to manipulate your love for Big Brother and Hitler, showing you that the more you show your support for your country, the more privileges and respect you will get.
In 1984 most women are minorities to men. For example, there are no women in the inner party. Instead, women get put in the “Junior Anti-Sex League” without consent. Also, there are very little female characters in the book. Julia is Winston’s lover, but Winston still sees her as clueless and a sex object. The other female characters in the book are fully depending on men (their husbands) or are drunks, prostitutes, and servants. In Nazi, Germany women served as a housekeeper and teachers, but did not get as many opportunities as men did. Although they were not persecuted like Jewish people, they were not as respected as men either.
The book 1984 is an haunting prediction based off of real tragedies. This book promotes many of the same stereotypes persecuted in Nazi, Germany during World War II. Because of the inappropriate messages it sends out to young readers, it has been challenged and banned by the American Library Association.



I chose to focus on the painting “ The Sky is Grey” by Karl Haglund. This painting shows an artistic representation of the short story “The Sky is Grey” by Ernest J. Gaines. The story is about a young African American boy named James who deals with racism, poverty, and abuse. If you look closely, you can see words scattered around the painting such as “racial bias.” I believe that this painting is a modern world representation of James’s life. You can see the whole painting is very colorful, showing the outsiders take on New York City. However, when looking closer you can see all those words on buildings and subway cars that show the inside life of New York City, which is not as glamorous as it seems. This painting represents most of the social issues in James’s life, mainly poverty and racism.  

When I walk to school I see people on the street begging for money. I see people searching through the garbage and recycling outside. I see someone sleeping in the subway station, or on a bench in the park. Around 1.6 million people are homeless in America.
Homelessness can occur for many reasons. That woman that always sits outside of your favorite restaurant could have lost everything because of drug overdoses or alcohol. The man always singing in the subway station may have been kicked out of his family because he wasn’t accepted. No matter how that person got where they are today, homelessness is still a serious problem. In New York City there are many shelters for the poor and homelessness, but unfortunately they never have enough space for everyone waiting. Some mothers sleep inside shelters while their kids are left on the streets to spend the night. However, if this nation works together, we can end homelessness.
Firstly, people should be careful about what they donate. Many people are outside at night because of serious drug problems. A lot of homeless people use all the money they have received from donations to buy more drugs, landing them on the streets again. Instead of money, people should donate food or clothing to the homeless. Also, if you want to donate money you should donate it to a shelter, so they can buy extra beds and supplies. Lastly, you can volunteer at a shelter or soup kitchen to help. There are multiple ways that we can help, and if everyone is careful and generous we can get people off the streets, and into new homes

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